Let's get one thing out of the way first —
New England Brewery Rides
isn't a thing.

Brewery Rides started out as an incentive to ride a bit further, grew into a text chain with a few buddies and is now something we want to bring out to folks who enjoy bikes and beer. The rides happen about once a month (sometimes more, sometimes less) over the course of the decent riding months. We start with coffee, ride out to a brewery somewhere in Massachusetts, have a beer, ride back to have a few more beers. Sounds nice right?


Welcome to the first ride of the season. A new year means new rides. Grab your bike and all your sundries, and be sure to tell your neighbors, friends and enemies … the more the merrier. So without further ado …

Sunday March 25th, 2018 @ 10:00am**
  • Total:
  • 22.8 Miles
  • 543' Climbing
* We are in no way affiliated nor have partnered with this establishment.
** Weather Permitting

Our first ride of the season will be a semi-casual sojourn to the waters of the north shore. We'll take the Northern Strand Community Trail as far as we can, then either continue on the gravel trail, or move onto the roads through Lynn to Bent Water Brewing. These guys have been killing it for a few years, unleashing the Thunderfunk on the Boston area and following up with a great lineup of brews.

When/where/why/how do I show up?

  • When: Sunday March 25th, 2018
  • Time: 10:00am (rolling @ 10:30am)
  • Distance: 22.8 miles (round-trip)
  • Elevation Gain: 543 Feet
  • Start: Winter Hill Brewing*
    328 Broadway
    Somerville, MA 02145 *We are in no way affiliated nor have partnered with Winter Hill Brewing.
  • Brewery: Bent Water Brewing*
    180 Commercial St.
    Lynn, MA 01905 *We are in no way affiliated nor have partnered with Bent Water Brewing.
  • Finish: Winter Hill Brewing*
    328 Broadway
    Somerville, MA 02145 *We are in no way affiliated nor have partnered with Winter Hill Brewing.

What do I need to bring?

Since this is an unsupported ride, you need to make sure you're prepared. So as they say: "Don't take the start line without …" the following:
  • Helmet
  • Spare Tube(s)
  • CO2 or pump
  • Something to eat (Clif bar, banana, GU, PB Sammy)
  • Water - more is better than less
  • ID and monies
  • Good attitude

Bent Water Brewing - featured beer

Lynn Light Extra Pale Ale:
A beautiful lawnmower beer perfect for the halfway point of this 22 mile ride. Crystal clear and easy drinking.

Winter Hill Brewing - featured beer

Suburban Home:
A pale wheat ale combining old world continental flavors with a full american-ale mouthfeel.


Grab and add it to your Garmin or iPhone or whatever device you prefer. Or you can even print out a cue sheet - does anyone still use those? Just make sure you know where you're going … just in case.

Future Rides:

Here are a few other rides that we're working on … sign up to the mailing list to find out more info when time comes.

Brewery Where? Mileage
Lookout Farms Cidery Natick, MA 40 miles RT
Trillium Brewery Canton, MA 42 miles RT
Notch Brewing Salem, MA 35 miles RT

New England Brewery Rides is…

So what do you need to know? This is a semi-casual, unsupported, drop ride. That's a lot of stuff so here's a breakdown:

Semi-Casual: Look, not all of us have the unlimited resources or bio-medical know how of the US Postal Service team circa 1999. We're not trying to make record time, but we like to move at a pretty good pace - average is 16-18mph. It's one step above a grab-ass ride and one step below a training ride. Everyone takes turns pulling and the ride moves at a good clip. That said, it's fun, loose and you'll get a good sweat on, making après-beers that much sweeter.

Unsupported: You're on your own for the most part. There are no feed zones/rest stops/SAG wagons. All riders should be able to change a tube (bring a few extra with you) and is responsible for their own nutritional needs (avoid the bonk!). Most rides are from 40 miles to 70 miles roundtrip with a decent amount of climbing so pack accordingly.

Drop Ride: As of now it's just us rolling around 16-18mph. If you find yourself in some trouble, we'll swing back and try to bring you back into the pack. If you can't bounce back and get dropped, we'll have a beer waiting for you at the brewery (figuratively if not literally). Hopefully with the growth of these rides we'll get a variety of riders, and eventually be able to split the group by speed We'll provide a GPX route of the ride ahead of time and suggest loading the ride map on your phone/tablet/GPS so if you feel like riding ahead or you're dropping a bit behind, you'll find your way back no problem.

Last but certainly not least this is ride is open to all genders, orientations, creeds, religions, etc… We want you to feel safe and welcome as we grind out miles.

At the end of the day, Brewery Rides is a good way to get out on a Saturday/Sunday morning, get some miles in and drink a beer. It's meant to get you out of the house early and back with plenty of time to hit the beach in the afternoon. If it's something you're interested in, sign up for the mailing list below. We look forward to having a beer with you.

Mailing List*…

Want to know when the next ride is? Want to know what beer is good? Then why not …

*Don't worry, we won't spam you and we'll never … and i mean never, ever … give your email address to anyone. We swear.

FAQ: Some questions we get asked…

This sounds rad! How much does it cost?
There's no sign-up/club fee. Whatever the cost of a cup of coffee and a beer is - that's how much you'll pay.
Whoa that's cool! I can't wait to crush beers and jump on my bike.
Pump the brakes there, Skippy. Let's get one thing straight: we do not condone the over-consumption of beer during the ride. Take it from us, have one beer at the destination brewery before jumping back on your bike. You don't want to be wobbling or riding the struggle bus with 30 miles to go. You're responsible for yourself. If you make an ass of yourself, we don't want you back on the ride.
OK, OK - that's cool. What breweries have you already done?
We've hit Jacks Abby in Framingham, Lookout Farms Cidery in Natick, Medusa Brewery in Hudson and Cape Anne Brewing Co. in Gloucester.
What should I wear? Do I need a fancy-boy bike?
We'll be in bike-specific clothing, and recommend the same. A chamois is a real ass-saver. As for bikes, we recommend something with drop bars, gears, and brakes. Buy us a beer and we're happy to regale you with our war stories about trying to ride far on fixed gears.
That's all in the past … what's on tap 2018?
We'll definitely do a few of those again this summer and are looking to head out to Exhibit A in Framingham, Notch in Salem, Trillium in Canton and have lofty goals of heading to Wachusett Brewery in Westminster(100 miles). There has even been hushed talks of heading to Devil's Purse down the Cape, but let's see how the legs feel first. Most rides end at Winter Hill Brewing Co. in Somerville.*
Who the hell are you guys?
Nick Murphy, Andy Cunningham, Matt Pelaggi, and Mike Latulippe.

*We are in no way affiliated with any of these fine establishments. We just show up for a beer and take off, ya dig?


Check us out on the facebooks and instagrams.

Hit us up on email.